Once everyone leaves, the person takes off their hood. They tell everyone to leave, and that they will fix this. A mysterious person wearing a hoodie comes to the front of the crowd.Please just carry on with your day and leave me be.

Don't just stand there, roll me around!.You are a massive blueberry! What do you say to the crowd? You are 20 feet tall now, and 20 feet wide. The gum has lost its flavor and you have stopped swelling. You continue to swell, growing a foot taller by the minute. Your pants are somehow fine as well, covering all of your. The only parts of you that are sticking out of your giant gut is your arms from the elbows to the hands, you legs from your knees to your feet, and your neck and head. Call for help and ask people to squeeze you.Just keep playing with my big ol' belly!.Your limbs are being consumed by your massive body. Your arms start lifting up and your legs spread apart. So am I filling with juice? Get it out of me!.She turned into a blueberry, and now your becoming one." What do you think? Yeah, my sister didn't listen to the warning label either. A man walks up to you and asks, "you had that new Wonka gum, didn't you. You try to waddle a bit, and feel a bunch of liquid sloshing around inside of you. Does anyone know what's happening to me?.Come one, come all, to the amazing Balloon Person! Feel free to play with my beautiful swelling belly!.As you grow, your shirt seems to get smaller and tighter.Play with your squishy belly! Squeeze it, jiggle it, rub it, poke it, feel it, bounce it, etc.Its getting a bit late, you check your watch.Whatever, who couldn't use some more junk in the trunk? This'll probably stop soon.I should have paid more attention to that warning label!.You try to spit out the gum before you gain too much weight, but you can't. I should spit this out before I become too fat.Oh man, now I'm gonna have to work out extra hard!.This part of the gum must have a lot of calories, 'cause I'm stuffed!.Your stomach is starting to bulge, revealing your belly button.